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THE CRA Stated Numerous Occasions IN THAT Post IN ARE OPION>>>>>> reinforsing the truth that the cra although is disalowing the donation, and recalling the cash.. thats primarily based on their opion... how is it a lot of canadains see a CRA's opion and go on no he belive s in his opion i owe hime 10$.... in the event you give a teller $20.00 they occasionally make mistakes and say you only give them $10.. do you correct away say your correct. and give them $10 much more...NOOO you appear inside your wallet.. and double verify.. and create a fuss.. if your honest and know their wrong.. its a difficult to win occasionally.. and that what the cra is hoping you don't wish to fight that battle... and yess i understand this isnt a great example.....anna hurd something because you filed your NOO in your reassement? o but i do possess a fantastic example you are able to choise to belive me if I'm not.. ture story happend to my dad my numbers may not be precise.. however it proves the cra dosnt charge intrest whilst in court.... okay so back in 1989 when i was four many years old. my dad worked for that airlines.. they sent him as much as rankin inlit( back when it was nonetheless NWT) not Nunavut like it's now... we moved to yellowknife (capitol of NWT) in 1991 they transfred him yet once more.. the goverment was debating a law back in 89 about how in the event you reside in housing supplied by your employeir it ought to be taxed.. damb them taxing everything agian.. anyway so they passed it in 91.. and back dated the tax rulling .. my dad will get a notise of astment in 92 0r 93 that he owes $29,000 in back taxes due towards the reality he didnt spend any on that good home the airlines supiled.. now heres the factor is my dad was make not significantly much more then min wage.. and in rakin in 89 milk was almost 4$ a littler primarily based around the reality you can only fly issues in no roads in or out.. the price of living was overinflated.. we had been offered a coupany home to reside in two bedroom nothing fancy.. but they factor price $4000 a mounth plus utilities ( bassed around the reality the it was becoming rented to that business) so my dad stated woa wait a min.. that's unreasonable...i wount spend I'm taking this to court.. Noo was filed...so my dad desbustes .. he puts utilizes the tax law that say you cant cause undue hardship... and this quantity is extremely higher.. they siad how is this higher prove it...one.. price of living is greater in rankin then the avrage candian city or town, camparied to wages two. their is vertually no renatle housing aviable.. so they are able to charge outrages prices, three my wage would have by no means cover the price of these expenses.. they say yes sir you're correct... however believed this might be undue difficult ship, we cant make exceptions for 1 individual, so what we are able to do is use everything you utilized to to defend your situation. yes it's higher then the avrage. so we will base this quantity off the avrage for individuals with that wage ect.... so three many years in court a juge ruled the quantity be reduced from 29K to 14K nonetheless higher but much less then half` and didn charge him intrest or charges so in 97 he had to spend.. proving that whilst a their is really a descion becoming produced you're not charged intrestes and charges... it might make sences as well.. simply because you've correct to object, since they can make mistakes.. or more than charge... so why ought to you be penlized for for utilizing your correct to object, a reasonable cause... witch is from the way. that i utilized my loan/ credi card to by these pill really worth x dollars.. and also the cash i get back i invest with spend off morgage sitmulate the economey save lives in africa. just believed i thorow that out their, guaranteed payday loan, >:(((, bad credit loans, 015,

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